MY FAVOURITE SINS Lugas Syllabus – Imam Santoso
17 Nov – 5 Dec 2009
Tembi Contemporary
"We take simple images and fill them with meaning."
"We are just sharing experiences through these pictures, the intimate and provocative things that friends share."
Like the storyboards for modern Japanese "Manga" or "The Simpsons", the younger artists of Jogyakarta are creating a stylized tableau of contemporary life. Seen through the eyes of this twenty-something generation the world is a crazy mixed up place where ugly paradox and ruthless selfishness reigns. Don't be fooled by the soft acrylic tones and plastic images, for embedded in these popsicle scenes are subtle protests and cries for help in an age awash in media stimulation but bereft of answers.
( Michael Vatikiotis)
"Kami ambil gambar sederhana dan mengisinya dengan makna."
"Kami hanya berbagi pengalaman melalui gambar-gambar ini, hal-hal intim dan provokatif yang dibagi antar teman.
Seperti storyboard untuk komik manga Jepang modern atau The Simpsons, para seniman muda Yogyakarta menciptakan tablo kehidupan kontemporer. Dari sudut pandang generasi usia dua puluhan, dunia ini adalah campur aduk edan tempat berkuasanya paradoks buruk dan keegoisan tanpa pandang bulu. Jangan tertipu oleh nuansa lembut warna akrilik dan citraan plastik, sebab dalam adegan manis gula-gula ini tersimpan protes lirih dan rintihan minta tolong dalam sebuah era yang dibanjiri stimulasi media tetapi gersang akan jawaban.
( Michael Vatikiotis)
current show:
Jl. Parangtritis Km 8,5
Tembi, Timbulharjo, Sewon, Bantul
Jogja 55186
t : +62 274 6881919
f : +62 274 368321
info@tembicontemporary.com w:
www.tembicontemporary.comOPENING HOURS
tues - sat 10 am - 6 pm
sunday 11 am - 5 pm
monday and public holiday CLOSED
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