Wednesday, April 22, 2009

[ac-i] (ruangrupa) Open Submission : OK. VIDEO COMEDY - 4th Jakarta International Video Festival 2009 / July 28 - August 9 2009 / National Gallery of Indonesia / Exhibition, workshops, discussions, and award for the best works.

Open Submission!
Deadline: May 31, 2009.

OK. VIDEO: COMEDY - 4th Jakarta International Video Festival 2009
Exhibition, workshops, discussions, and award for the best works
July 28 – August 9 2009 / National Gallery of Indonesia

COMEDY is an effective way to free ourselves from anxiety. As a critique that disguise itself as a form of entertainment, comedy helps us to reflect, laugh at ourselves, protest without anger, and turn calamity into hilarity. As a way to communicate, comedy never dies and has been accompanying us since time immemorial, from the form of comedy that uses the body as a medium to one that uses the audio-visual language.

OK. Video: Comedy will look at comedy as a form of communication using the medium of video, which responds to a variety of problems in critical ways. From the problems of the city, politics, power, modernity, technology, economy, generation, gender, tradition, religion, mass media, identity, pop culture, art, daily lives, to the general election.

OK. Video Festival is focused on non-narrative video works and open for reconstructions, recording manipulations, and an array of experiments of the audio-visual language. We receive video works with a variety of approaches to comedy—from jokes, parodies, to absurd, satirical, sarcastic, vulgar, as well as tragic comedy.

Video format: mini DVD, mini DV - PAL and multimedia file with the duration of 3 to 15 minutes
produced in 2007 – 2009 |
Deadline: May 31, 2009 | Registration fee: none |
Entry form can be download at: &

Send your work to :
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 6,
Jakarta Selatan, 12820, Indonesia.
T/F: +62 21 8304220.

OK. VIDEO: COMEDY - 4th Jakarta International Video Festival 2009
Pameran, lokakarya, diskusi & penghargaan karya terbaik
28 Juli-9 Agustus 2009 / Galeri Nasional Indonesia

KOMEDI adalah cara ampuh untuk melepaskan diri dari kecemasan. Sebagai kecaman kritis yang menyamar sebagai hiburan, komedi membuat kita bisa merefleksikan segala sesuatu, menertawakan diri sendiri, memprotes tanpa amarah, dan mengubah celaka menjadi jenaka. Sebagai cara berkomunikasi, komedi tak pernah mati dan telah menemani masyarakat sejak dulu, dari komedi yang menggunakan medium tubuh hingga kini dalam bahasa audio-visual.

OK. Video: Comedy akan melihat komedi sebagai bentuk komunikasi melalui medium video yang membicarakan berbagai permasalahan saat ini secara kritis. Dari permasalahan kota, politik, kekuasaan, modernitas, teknologi, ekonomi, generasi, gender, tradisi, agama, media massa, identitas, budaya pop, seni, keseharian, sampai pemilihan umum.

OK. Video Festival fokus pada karya-karya video non-naratif (tanpa cerita) dan terbuka bagi rekonstruksi, manipulasi rekaman, dan berbagai eksperimen bahasa audio-visual. Kami menerima video dengan berbagai pendekatan komedi, dari lelucon, parodi, absurd, satir, sarkastik, vulgar, tabu, hingga komedi tragis.

Kami menerima video dalam format DVD, mini DV - PAL dan file multimedia | Durasi 3-15 menit |
Batas waktu 31 Mei 2009 | Karya produksi tahun 2007-2009 | Pendaftaran karya gratis.
Formulir pendaftaran bisa diunduh di: &

Kirimkan karya Anda ke:
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 6
Jakarta Selatan, 12820, Indonesia.
T/F: +62 21 8304220.


r u a n g r u p a
jl. tebet timur dalam raya no. 6 | jakarta 12820
t/f : [021] 8304220
| |

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