----- Original Message -----From: sabanaTo: publikseni@yahoogroups.com ; yasika@yahoo.com ; info@jogjaad.com ; my_block_shit@yahoo.com ; pandhu@gong.tikar.or. ; dab.magazine@id yahoo.com ; acara@yahoogroups.com ; ozindonculture@yahoogroups. ; wartawanindonesia@com yahoogroups. ; media-jakarta@com yahoogroups. ; mediacare@yahoogroucom ps.com ; jurnalisme@yahoogroups.com ; siaran-pers@yahoogroups. ; gpindo@yahoogroups.com com ; gpindo_volunteer@yahoogroups. ; daksina@yahoogroupscom .com Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 6:33 PMSubject: [Pers] [Invitation] The International Conference on Arts and Design ResearchInvitation :
The International Conference on Arts and Design Research:
"The Shifting from Traditional to Contemporary Visual Culture"
Bandung, April 2009
Invitation to participate in the International Conference on Arts and
Design Research
Dear Distinguished Experts and Scholars,
Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), the oldest science, technology and
art & design based education in Indonesia, celebrates its 50th
anniversary this year. In relation to the 50th anniversary
commemoration, the research centers in ITB organize an international
conference with subjects and themes that are relevant to the research
fields in ITB.
Among the research centers is Arts and Design, which holds the following
The International Conference on Arts and Design Research: the Shifting
from Traditional to Contemporary Visual Culture is intended to gather
policy-makers, scholars, and professionals to discuss important, urgent
and emerging issues in developing countries related to arts and design.
The conference will be held at Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), on
Friday and Saturday, June 19th - 20th 2009.
Herewith the organizing committee of the international conference
sincerely would like to invite you to attend and join in the conference.
Your sharing of ideas, perspectives and information would certainly be
contributing to the efforts of describing and finding solutions of
today's complex and developing situation of creative phenomena.
We are truly looking forward to your presence. Attached with this
invitation is the procedure for participation in the conference.
For your kind attention, thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Armein Z.R. Langi, Setiawan
Chair International Conference Chair Arts & Design
Art & Culture Indonesia (ACI) peduli pada pengembangan seni budaya Nusantara warisan nenek moyang kita. Warna-warni dan keragaman seni budaya Indonesia adalah anugerah terindah yang kita miliki. Upaya menyeragamkan dan memonopoli kiprah seni budaya Indonesia dalam satu pemahaman harus kita tentang mati-matian hingga titik darah penghabisan.

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